OTE Ratings: O7/T7/E7
Distance: 6-8 miles Time: ~ 2 hours USGS 7.5' topo: San Mateo, CA; Woodside, CA
DescriptionDirt road & singletrack, dry chaparral hills, some challenging climbs. Edges of the park are up against houses, apartments, and condos, making it an anomalous island of nature in the midst of suburbia (like Lake Chabot park is). We have seen a squirrel tail, and a (Cooper's?) hawk here.
Directions to the start(N 37° 30.6', W 122° 18.0')From U.S. 101, take the Ralston Av. exit if you're coming from the south. From the north, I beleive it's called Marine World Parkway. Head west, past El Camino Real and The Alameda de las Pulgas. Just past this last street, keep your eyes open for Lyall Way on the left, just as the road begins to climb. Turn left on Lyall. You will come to a stop sign at Lake Road. Park on the left side of Lyall just past this stop sign. The entrance to Water Dog Lake is at the corner. (Ross Finlayson adds:) A newer (and probably better) place to park is the parking lot at the end of Carlmont Drive. To reach this, turn left on Lake, then right onto Carlmont. Carlmont will dead-end at the parking lot. |
If you prefer to come via I-280, take 92 east and then take the first exit (Ralston), go up over and most of the way down the hill, to turn right on Lyall, then follow above directions.
A steep but short downhill where you might choose to walk, with a V-shaped cement culvert at the bottom, is followed by some choice singletrack[*], winding past some tricky creek crossings, riding over a nearly-buried car. (Our best estimate is that it was once a '57 Pontiac.) This trail ends at a T; you can go either way. Go right and you can ride up to an extremely challenging hill to climb (none of us made it up), that gets you out to a different street (Whiteridge Road, I think).
There's another trail to the left, just before that hill, take that and traverse along the side of the canyon.
As you descend along this singletrack, there are three spots where you could ride down very steep short trails, to the trail in the bottom of the canyon. The third one is the one Jae rode up. Several others of us tried (not me!), Bob made it very near the top, and Paul, Debbie and Tim got pretty far up there.
If you choose not to go down any of these side trails, the trail gets a little overgrown (but not with poison oak), but is mostly rideable, down to a clearing.
If you go sharply left here, you're going back up along the bottom of the same canyon, to the bottom of those steep short trails. We go straight across instead, to a climb that's mild at first, but then turns straight up the ridge and gets quite challenging.
This new trail - which has no fewer than twelve fun switchbacks - was built by mountain biking volunteers, under supervision from the City of Belmont. (Kudos to the City of Belmont for being so bike-friendly!.)
©1995-2019 Doug Landauer
©1995-2019 Ross Finlayson