Mountain Biking in Australia, New Zealand, & the South Pacific
- Nationwide
- Queensland
- New South Wales
- Australian Capital Territory
- Victoria
- South Australia:
Local mountain biking
(from "Bicycle SA")
- Western Australia:
The 900(!) km
"Munda Biddi trail"
- Northern Teritory:
- Tasmania:
New Zealand
- General
- North Island
- General
- Northland
- Auckland region
- Coromandel peninsula
- Waikato region (including Hauraki)
- Bay of Plenty region
- Rotorua area
- Taupo area
- Mountain biking in the Whirinaki Forest
(near Te Urewera National Park)
- Central Plateau
- Taranaki area
- W(h)anganui area
- Manawatu (Palmerston North) area
- Hawkes Bay area
- Wairarapa (Masterton, Carterton) area
- Wellington area
- South Island
- Marlborough region:
- A review of a ride on the
Heaphy Track
(open to mountain bikes during the winter months)
- Tasman region:
- Nelson region:
- Canterbury (Christchurch) region:
- Westland (West Coast) region:
- Otago (Dunedin, Queenstown) region:
- Southland region:
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Last modified date: 2024.12.28
©1995-2024 Ross Finlayson